Written by Marcos Mendosa, The StartUpBoutique.
I’ve always found the term, “live your dreams” somewhat silly though. This is because when I go to sleep, I don’t dream of my goals, aspirations, or ambitions; I dream as I am awake. I guess, I should say that I daydream much more vividly than the way I dream at night.
One of the most compelling realizations that I’ve experienced in the past three years as I have built my company, is that the phrase, “thoughts become things“ has an undeniable certainty to it.
Between the year 2000 and 2013, I used to read the book “Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill pretty much every day. I would read the book and create journal entries that I believed would someday be published as the legendary notes that I documented while I dreamt of building the success that I aspired to experience.
These days, I find the term “success” a funny term; I reflect on the success that I have experienced in my own life, and realize that success doesn’t have much to do with finances. Rather, success has everything to do with the gradual process that involves being present to the moment-to-moment accomplishments that I experience.
Success is all about the experiences that make up the gradual succession towards fulfilment and contentment.
For example, today I successfully put on my shirt. Today I successfully drove to the pier to watch the sunrise. Today I successfully wrote this journal entry. Today I successfully woke up on time. Today I successfully followed my morning ritual. So far, as of today, I am very much successful.
In 2013 I manifested the opportunity to meet the President of the Think and Grow Rich Institute. From that meeting, my character evolved to a point where I was fortunate enough to manifest the opportunity to become the National Operations Manager for the Institute itself. Imagine me, 29 years old manifesting a lifelong dream to teach one of the greatest philosophies ever written. From then on, life became a series of incredible manifestations.
I began to attract, cultivate, and create my deepest and cherished aspirations. I became the living example of the journal entries I had written while reading Napolean Hill’s book, over and over again. Under the mentoring of the President of the Institute, we designed the Think & Grow Rich curriculum, and taught the philosophy to thousands of students. I then went on to create my own company that produces empowering speeches and videos, that to date has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. I am now the Founder of a company that builds and launches online startups in the personal development sector, and continue spreading the word of what I’ve learned from Napoleon Hill. Everyone I come in contact with receives the formula that caters to each one of their specific desires for attaining their success.
I truly believe that all of this happened because I allowed myself to follow my NorthStar.
This is why I am wearing a Compass in this photo that you see above. The Compass represents the conscious awareness of the directions that I choose to move in. This intention ensures I live on purpose, with purpose, and in alignment with what I cherish value most.
Life happens in action. The more you do, the more you become; the more you become the more you give. The more you give, the more you receive. The more you receive, the more fulfilment you experience. The more fulfilment you experience, the more contentment you live with. The more contentment you live with, the more joy you experience. The more joy you experience, the more you attract the opportunities to intentionally manifest reality. And once those manifestations become a reality, well, congratulations, you can now consciously say that you are living your dreams.